12 Secrets For Living A Life Of Abundance
Are you a passionate person? Do you want to live a life of fullness and a well-rounded one, or would you rather just go with the flow and follow a boring, repeating lifestyle and not spark any difference or change? One of the differences between living out your dreams and just existing is focusing your energies and thoughts on something specific.
This “eye of the tiger” is important and helps you have this concentrated attention on a specific task or activity.
Do not think that because you gave it a shot and tried to live that life of your dreams but failed means that you cannot do it. This is what happens in life and we need to be strong and want happiness desperately in order to get it.
Here are 12 secrets for living a life of abundance:
You decided that you do not want to live the life you are currently living any more. So you have to make a change; maybe it is the fact that you are not making enough money, maybe you are not working the job of your dreams, or maybe you want to provide a better life for your family. Whatever it is, you could write down the aspects you do not feel comfortable with and do not like, and starting altering your life step by step.
Pick something out that is not your style and does not work for you and start with that.
I know it sounds simple, but smiling is an easy way to change the tone of your day. Even if your day doesn’t go as good as expected, you can always choose to respond positively. By smiling you are sending a positive message to yourself and others that you are a winner in life. So, keep smiling
How you start your days greatly influences how they will be. That’s why you should make sure that you start your days right. While only you can define how to start your days right, here are some ideas:
Read more in our post: 12 Things Passionate people do everyday
The way you use opportunities that come your way matters a great deal. Those who know how to best use opportunities will advance faster in life than those who don’t.
The first thing you should do is preparing yourself for opportunities so that you are ready when they come. Here are some things you can do to prepare for opportunities:
The opportunities you get could be unexpected, but most likely they’re related to your strengths. So it’s essential that you know what your strengths are.
Books like: Now, Discover your Strengths
and Strengths Finder 2.0
have tests that can help you identify your strengths.
After identifying your strengths, you should develop skills that are relevant to them.
Open your eyes and your ears. Be on the lookout for opportunities. The best opportunities are those that are overlooked by others.
Once you have an opportunity, explore the full extent of it.

The above are just few of many secrets to living a life of abundance. Do you have any to add? Please share them with your comments below.
1. It Is Important To Raise The Bar
You decided that you do not want to live the life you are currently living any more. So you have to make a change; maybe it is the fact that you are not making enough money, maybe you are not working the job of your dreams, or maybe you want to provide a better life for your family. Whatever it is, you could write down the aspects you do not feel comfortable with and do not like, and starting altering your life step by step.
Pick something out that is not your style and does not work for you and start with that.
Do not be afraid to raise your life standards and expectations, because once you see the target in front of you, you will be compelled to work and achieve it. You cannot turn back in time and so do not wait and exercise every available opportunity.
Read more in the Book: Coach Yourself to Success: 101 Tips from a Personal Coach for Reaching Your Goals at Work and in Life
What is important to you as a person and individual? Did you go ahead and define your own principles and values, or are you adopting some of those from somewhere or someone else?
A lot of people when put out of their house and in more social areas, do anything and improvise in the way they act to fit in. It is important to fit in and be social as it might get you closer to people, but being unique is priceless. Muster the courage to and confidence to go your way, for this can make your life fuller.
A life of abundance is not something that comes easy, but with the correct motive and train of thoughts, you can transcend above and beyond.

Abundance mentality says that there is enough for everyone, so someone else’s gain is not your loss. This is the opposite of scarcity mentality which says that there is only a fixed amount of reward so someone else’s gain is your loss.
By having abundance mentality, you won’t feel envy when someone else succeeds. You know that you can have your own success.
More than anything else, being abundant is about how you see life. Some people may have everything but they still feel poor. Some other may have fewer but they feel abundant.
2. Decide On What Is Important For You
What is important to you as a person and individual? Did you go ahead and define your own principles and values, or are you adopting some of those from somewhere or someone else?
The first step in this process is to define your goals and what success is for you.
If you cannot differentiate between what is important and unimportant, let alone what is important and urgent, then you might need some modification to make your life more manageable and less crammed.
There are many distractions nowadays, and those are the things that jeopardize our development and growth. We need to have our eyes on the end goal and believe that we can do anything we set our mind to. At the end of the day sticking to what is important to us and accomplishing that is success in itself.
There are many distractions nowadays, and those are the things that jeopardize our development and growth. We need to have our eyes on the end goal and believe that we can do anything we set our mind to. At the end of the day sticking to what is important to us and accomplishing that is success in itself.
3. Be Yourself And Do Not Change
A lot of people when put out of their house and in more social areas, do anything and improvise in the way they act to fit in. It is important to fit in and be social as it might get you closer to people, but being unique is priceless. Muster the courage to and confidence to go your way, for this can make your life fuller.
A life of abundance is not something that comes easy, but with the correct motive and train of thoughts, you can transcend above and beyond.
"Walk your path confidently and don't expect anyone else to understand your journey, especially if they have not been exactly where you are going." - Anonymous

4. Have Abundance Mentality
"Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it." - Bashar

Abundance mentality says that there is enough for everyone, so someone else’s gain is not your loss. This is the opposite of scarcity mentality which says that there is only a fixed amount of reward so someone else’s gain is your loss.
By having abundance mentality, you won’t feel envy when someone else succeeds. You know that you can have your own success.
5. Be grateful for what you have
More than anything else, being abundant is about how you see life. Some people may have everything but they still feel poor. Some other may have fewer but they feel abundant.
You need to look at what you already have and be grateful for them instead of complaining for things you don’t have.
Some people need to go through painful loss before they can appreciate what they have. Don’t let that happen to you. List down all the things in life you are grateful for...
Read more the book: Gratitude : A Way Of Life
6. Smile
I know it sounds simple, but smiling is an easy way to change the tone of your day. Even if your day doesn’t go as good as expected, you can always choose to respond positively. By smiling you are sending a positive message to yourself and others that you are a winner in life. So, keep smiling
7. Start your days right
How you start your days greatly influences how they will be. That’s why you should make sure that you start your days right. While only you can define how to start your days right, here are some ideas:
- Rise early
- Get out of the bed right away
- Meditate or pray
- Exercise
Read more in our post: 12 Things Passionate people do everyday
8. Prepare yourself for opportunities
The way you use opportunities that come your way matters a great deal. Those who know how to best use opportunities will advance faster in life than those who don’t.
The first thing you should do is preparing yourself for opportunities so that you are ready when they come. Here are some things you can do to prepare for opportunities:
- Know your strengths
The opportunities you get could be unexpected, but most likely they’re related to your strengths. So it’s essential that you know what your strengths are.
Books like: Now, Discover your Strengths
- Develop your skills
After identifying your strengths, you should develop skills that are relevant to them.
- Be observant
Open your eyes and your ears. Be on the lookout for opportunities. The best opportunities are those that are overlooked by others.
9. Make the most out of every opportunity
Once you have an opportunity, explore the full extent of it.
Don’t let it pass half-used.
Is there other ways to use it? Can you combine it with something you already have to create something new? Can it open related opportunities?
Relationships give you a lot of joy in life. It’s through relationships that you love and be loved. Furthermore, you can get the help you need from your network of friends.
The easiest way to achieve greater things in life is to build upon what you’ve built. Rather than starting again from scratch, leverage what you already have to jump to the next level.
This applies to many aspects of life.
10. Build friendships along the way
Relationships give you a lot of joy in life. It’s through relationships that you love and be loved. Furthermore, you can get the help you need from your network of friends.
11. Build upon what you’ve built
The easiest way to achieve greater things in life is to build upon what you’ve built. Rather than starting again from scratch, leverage what you already have to jump to the next level.
This applies to many aspects of life.
For example:
-You can apply for a better job based on the resume you’ve built.
-You can cross promote a new business to the customers of your existing businesses.
-You can find new connections through the network of friends you have.
Living an abundant life means you should be able to enjoy your life now without waiting for something big in the future. You don’t need certain amount of money or certain level of success to be happy. You can be happy right now with what you have.
-You can apply for a better job based on the resume you’ve built.
-You can cross promote a new business to the customers of your existing businesses.
-You can find new connections through the network of friends you have.
12. Enjoy your life
Living an abundant life means you should be able to enjoy your life now without waiting for something big in the future. You don’t need certain amount of money or certain level of success to be happy. You can be happy right now with what you have.
Read Simple Ways to Enjoy Life
and 101 Ways to Enjoy Life's Simple Pleasures
for some ideas on how to enjoy life.

The Secrets are now, no more Secret. So, Live life in Abundance of everything you want to...
The above are just few of many secrets to living a life of abundance. Do you have any to add? Please share them with your comments below.
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