Remember to Forgive Yourself
I am positive I did something wrong yesterday and I can be pretty sure I will screw something up today. While it is important to take responsibilities for our actions we must always remember to forgive ourselves as well.
Many years ago while attending a wedding, I made some remarks at the reception that I wish I didn’t say. I had too much too drink and my mouth was out of control. After I entered a life of sobriety, I started to think about some of my most regretful moments, this wedding kept entering my mind. So one day I decided to call the person I had offended and ask them for forgiveness. His response was amazing. He said to me that what I said that day was not as bad as I had imagined and that the incident was long forgiven and forgotten.
Over the next couple of weeks I was replaying the phone conversation in my head and was wondering why I still felt guilty about what I had done. I had no reason to feel bad about this anymore, I couldn’t understand this feeling.
Then it hit me! I had not forgiven myself. At that exact moment I stopped, sat down and told myself in prayer that I forgive myself, that what I did was over and done with and that I am a good person that does good things. Within seconds, my guilt slipped away. I began to feel free and released as if I was let out of prison for the first time in 20 years.
Forgiving myself allowed me to let go and move on. For so many years I was the one holding myself in bondage. Once I believed that I was forgiven and forgave myself, then I was free to move on with life. Maybe there is something in your life that is keeping you from reaching your next level of greatness. So many times we suppress things, thinking that they will just disappear one day. The truth is, we must face them and forgive ourselves to release them.
If God almighty himself has forgiven you, then I think it would be OK to forgive yourself as well. Stop beating yourself up over things that have long passed. Today is your day to let it go. Forgive, Forget, and move on!
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Pastor B PatrickAbout the Author
B. Patrick is a devout Christian who believes that without the mercy and forgiveness of God he would not be alive today. In the late 90’s, B. Patrick’s life was spinning out of control. But for the grace of God, family and rehabilitation, he has now become a leader in the Christian community.
He is a devoted family man, published author and ordained pastor. He believes in second chances and encourages everyone to take a deep look within to discover their own truth.
Choice Within Ministries is founded upon three basic principles of life – Gratitude, Love and Forgiveness.
“We are all one and we are all Gods beautiful children. I believe life is too short not to love.” – Pastor B. Patrick
Source :
The Choice is Within.
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